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To recognize and promote physician leadership and excellence in medical direction and person-centered care throughout the post-acute and long-term care spectrum via certification, advancing competence, and demonstrating value, thereby enhancing the quality of care.


Post-acute and long-term medicine is valued by all stakeholders as a unique and specialized area of practice, requiring a defined body of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and serving a distinct population. Residents and patients of all PALTC settings receive the highest quality of care, provided by credentialed medical directors, attending physicians, and other practitioners.

History of ABPLM & CMD Certification

The American Board of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (ABPLM) was developed by the American Medical Directors Association (now Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association) in 1991, after three years of research and development using surveys, consensus conferences, and experts to define the core skills and knowledge necessary for effective medical direction. The ABPLM currently offers a certification program for medical directors in post-acute and long-term care medicine (ABPLM CMD).

Certification is based on evidence of clinical and management education and experience, which is documented through an application process.

ABPLM Board of Directors

Thomas E. Lawrence, MD, CMD (Chair)
Teresa C. McCarthy, MD, MS, CMD (Vice Chair)
Rebecca Elon, MD, MPH, CMD (Secretary/Treasurer)
Dallas Nelson, MD, CMD (Immediate Past Chair)
Michele Bellantoni MD, CMD 
Masaya Higuchi MD, CMD 
Christopher Joncas MD, CMD 
Verna Sellers MD, MPH, CMD 
Toby Smith DO, CMD 
Todd Sobol MD, FACP, CMD

Public Members
JoAnne Reifsnyder PhD, MSN, MBA, RN, FAAN 
Robert Siebel, CEO  

Executive Director
Michelle Zinnert, CAE

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct forms are found within CMD applications for initial certification, recertification, and reinstatement which can be downloaded from the application page of this website.

The American Board of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (ABPLM) is dedicated to the delivery of competent, comprehensive and compassionate medical care to all people residing in post-acute and long-term care settings. To further these goals, all Certified Medical Directors (CMD) shall:

  • commit to the advancement of physician leadership and excellence in medical direction throughout the post-acute and long-term care continuum
  • maintain a commitment to life-long learning in both clinical and management education
  • uphold the ethics of the medical profession in all aspects of the care rendered
  • serve as a model of personal and professional integrity and skills
  • respect the law while recognizing the responsibility to seek changes in the law for the best interests of the people entrusted to their care
  • work diligently with all professional colleagues to create a milieu that fosters the highest attainable degree of care
  • place the competent, compassionate care of all their patients above any financial reward or inducements
  • advocate for all persons who reside in the facility
  • participate in those activities that contribute to an improved community
  • respect the individual’s right to autonomy in decision making
  • strive to strengthen understanding of CMD expertise in the community, in part, through display of the acronym CMD according to the Statement of Use declaration

CMD candidates will be required to sign a statement affirming adherence to the code when submitting their application.