My Account
Forgot Username or Password
- Your username is your email address.
- You can reset your password from the login page.
What's my membership status?
Your membership status can be accessed from the Overview tab of your Profile.
What is the association's membership cycle?
The association’s membership term is based on the calendar year. Dues will be collected in the fall of each year for the following calendar year (January 1 – December 31). Join/Renew
How can I get more involved?
- If you aren’t already a member, join!
- Attend the association's annual conference and educational opportunities.
- Join your chapter.
- Join a committee.
- Network with your colleagues throughout the year via PALTconnect, the association's members-only forum.
What is a CMD?
CMD stands for Certified Medical Director, a credential given to post-acute and long-term care medical directors by PALTmed based on experience, education, and competency. Learn more.
Is there an examination for certification?
No, there is no examination for either initial or recertification.
Where can I find out about the Core Curriculum course required for initial certification?
The required course is conducted by PALTmed. Learn More
How many minimum years of medical director experience are required for initial certification?
Depending on ABMS or AOA certification status, between 2 and 3 years. Learn More
In what settings can medical experience qualify for the CMD credential?
PALTmed certifies medical directors from nursing facilities, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, hospice, home healthcare, CCRC, PACE, LTACH, and VA settings.
How often is recertification required?
Recertification is required every six-years.
How many credits are needed for recertification?
Recertification requires 60 clinical CME credits and 60 management CME credits.
Are there live CME credit requirements for recertification?
No, there are no live CME credit requirements.
Is a current medical director position required for recertification?
No, you may recertify without a current medical director role as long as you have served as a medical director some time in the past six-years.
If my CMD credential has lapsed, how do I reinstate my credential?
You may reinstate your CMD credential under the normal recertification application process.
Is the CMD credential an ABPM or AOA board?
No, the CMD is a private credentialing program unaffiliated with either the ABMS or AOA.
Products & Resources
How do I access my e-Resource Subscription?
- Login to your account and access the Merchandise section of your profile.
- Find the product you're interested in opening, and click on the Details button to the right of it.
- Under Available Downloads, select the View button.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes. Please call our office at +1-410-740-9743 for rates.
How can I get permission to reprint or use information from a Society product?
Fill out the Permission to Reprint Request Form. A PALTmed staff member will review your request and contact you regarding your permission status.
Do you have special pricing for bulk orders?
Yes. For bulk order prices please send your inquiry to
How can I access JAMDA online?
JAMDA is a member benefit. Members must login here to access.
If you are not a PALTmed member but would like to become one, click here. If you would like to purchase a JAMDA subscription, click here.
How can I receive Caring for the Ages?
- The online version of Caring for the Ages is open and free to everyone.
- Sign up for a free e-Table of Contents.
- Print subscriptions are a PALTmed member benefit. Join PALTmed
- Need to update the address you have on file with PALTmed? Login to your PALTmed Account, and then click on the Contact Info tab.
How can I join my local chapter?
- PALTmed collects dues for the national association plus most chapters during the membership enrollment/renewal process. Join/Renew Now
- If your chapter dues do not appear, then you should contact them directly to join. Learn more about chapters.