Medication Management Part I - Medication Management Manual: Operations Level
This medication manual provides practitioners and staff in assisted living communities with information and tools to improve medication management and reduce medication errors. It is intended as a guide for best practice. By using the tools in this medication manual, users should be better equipped to:
- Identify both current and potential medication problems;
- Improve systems and processes of care related to medication management;
- Improve systems and processes related to the coordination and delivery of medications;
- Identify actual and potential adverse drug reactions;
- Reduce human errors such as illegible handwriting and missing or nonexistent documentation;
- Enhance staff decision-making skills regarding residents who are incapable of self-administering medications;
- Conduct and document performance evaluation of caregivers who administer medications or provide assistance with medications; and
- Reduce medication errors that occur during transitions of care and practitioner visits by using a medication reconciliation form and practitioner order forms.
Medication Management Part II: For Caregivers
This guide will help caregivers learn skills and steps that can be used to better manage residents' medications. Caregivers will be able to talk about medications with their residents, family members, and primary care practitioners. Learning how to manage medications can
- Help avoid errors
- Help the caregiver, the resident, and family members know when a medication does not have the effect that it should have
- Help the caregiver, the resident, and family members know when a medication might be causing a side effect that could hurt the resident. problem that could hurt the resident
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