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Ageism is real, and it can result in big problems for your workplace. It can cause the loss of loyal, capable team members, and it can damage the company’s reputation and ability to engage a diverse workforce. Age discrimination in the workplace is illegal, plain and simple. A person’s age alone can’t be a consideration in hiring, promotions, raises, or layoffs. This includes making assumptions about the ability to learn new technology, travel, or work long hours. To help prevent ageism in your organization, take these steps:

  1. Have a zero-tolerance policy for the use of ageist language. This includes referring to someone as a ‘dinosaur,’ ‘boomer,’ ‘grandpa,’ or ‘grandma.’ When discussing job qualifications, it is unacceptable to make comments such as “Let’s get someone young and hungry.”
  2. Have objective job performance measures so everyone can be assessed on a level playing field. These measures can’t be skewed to favor younger people.
  3. Have training available for all employees on new technology, processes, and/or procedures.
  4. Watch for implicit biases in hiring and promotions. Consider everyone with the skills and experience matching a job opening, regardless of age.
  5. Avoid terms like ‘energetic,’ ‘young,’ or ‘fresh’ in job ads.
  6. Include age discrimination in DEI training.
  7. Make sure staff know the process for reporting ageism concerns. 
  8. Create and maintain a culture of mutual respect and transparency. Let people know they won’t be penalized for reporting ageism.
  9. Don’t make jokes about feeling old, use ageist language, or make assumptions about people because of their age.
  10. Monitor your policies and practices over time to ensure ageism isn’t creeping in. Include questions about ageism in employee surveys to keep your finger on the pulse of how they feel about ageism.

Consider holding team-building events to bring workers of all ages together. Such activities will enable people to get to know each other as individuals and look past age. There are organizations dedicated to fighting ageism in positive ways that can help. For instance, Art Against Ageism is an alliance of creatives, artists, and activists committed to identifying, amplifying, and creating artistic endeavors that confront and address damaging stereotypes about age and ageism. They use fun and creative activities and events, such as an Own Your Age photobooth, to promote correct and positive beliefs about aging.