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October 22, 2018

David A. Nace, MD, MPH, CMD


Dr. Nace is an Associate Professor whose research focuses primarily on infectious disease in long-term care. His interest in antibiotic stewardship is funded by three AHRQ studies: two, for which he serves as co-investigator, are designing and testing a national antimicrobial stewardship toolkit for nursing facilities; the third, for which he serves as PI, will update guidelines for urinary tract infection (UTI) management and then implement a program to improve its management in 40 nursing homes in four states.



  1. Dr. Theresa Rowe, 2018 NHSN LTCF Training - Epidemiology and Prevention of UTI
  2. Cohen CC, Choi YJ, Stone PW., Costs of Infection Prevention Practices in Long-Term Care Settings: A Systematic Review., Nursing Economics, 2016
  3. Dr. David A. Nace, et. al. The Improving Outcomes of UTI Management in Long-Term Care..., JAMDA, 2018