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July 24, 2024

Just because you’re a clinician doesn’t mean you can’t be a savvy advocate. In fact, the two roles often go hand in hand. On the most recent AMDA On-The-Hill podcast, Timothy Holahan, DO, CMD, chair of the Society’s Public Policy Steering Committee, talked about policy updates with host Alex Bardakh, MPP, CAE, AMDA’s senior director of advocacy and strategic partnerships. They discussed issues that have really “popped up” since the pandemic and how members can make sure their voice is heard. “These are exciting times,” said Dr. Holahan.

Dr. Holahan and Mr. Bardakh addressed the recently released Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule. Mr. Bardakh said, “I had members contact me just minutes after the proposed rule came out and emailing things like, ‘Did you look at the telehealth provisions?’ I understand their interest because it’s such an important aspect of what they’re doing, and there is a great deal of real concern about payment cuts.” He observed, “We’ve done this whole payment cut song and dance since the ‘90s, and yet we continue to talk about Medicare payment reform.” Dr. Holahan added, “They know how important it is to be informed.” He stressed that it is essential to continue to capture and promote the value of what these clinicians do.

They noted that there is still great interest and some progress regarding technology and the use of telehealth in post-acute and long-term care. Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) will have an impact, they predicted, and this will be an evolving part of data collection and analysis as we continue to move into the world of value-based care.

Members can take comfort in knowing that AMDA and the Public Policy Steering Committee are on top of the issues that impact them. Volunteer leaders and staff have been discussing the proposed rule and its impact in-depth and how they will respond. “It’s important to get our voice heard,” said Mr. Bardakh. “We take all the information out there and try to coalesce it into something that is easily readable and addresses the real-world impact that the proposed rule will have.” AMDA also communicates information to members so that everyone has consistent, up-to-date information and can respond with a unified voice.

Dr. Holahan added, “I always encourage members to work with their local legislators on the issues. There are avenues to submit comments on the proposed fee schedule and other issues.” He further observed, “We all have much to contribute.”

There is a great deal of work ahead for Dr. Holahan, Mr. Bardakh, and others. “The landscape continues to change, and we continue to evolve our positions and adjust to what’s going on in regulatory and legislative arenas,” said Dr. Holahan. “It’s important to keep up, be involved, and continue to gain new insights and information.”

This can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating at times, he admitted, but it is exciting and even fun to be part of the process, have a voice in shaping the industry’s future, and know that you are making a difference for your patients and colleagues.  “I feel like we can really sink our teeth into various issues, and I think policymakers and other decision-makers are listening, even if they don’t always do exactly what we want. We will continue to work on these issues and advocate for our members,” he said.

Listen to the podcast now.