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January 17, 2021

Join our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for FMDA's first Journal Club session of 2021, COVID-19 Impact: Today & Tomorrow.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

    1. Provide an in-depth State of the State for COVID-19 impact in the US and in Florida
    2. Review rates of infection and strategies around identifying the new variant strain of COVID-19
    3. Discuss Florida’s vaccination strategy and goals for achieving vaccination targets
    4. Review the challenges we have seen around vaccine aversion and the ongoing opportunity to build vaccine confidence
    5. Provide insight into the healthcare disparities seen within our nursing facilities and geriatric populations as it relates to COVID-19 infection rates and outcomes


Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

Recorded on 1/13/2021

Available Credit 0.25 CMD-Clinical