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May 30, 2024

Serving as chair of the AMDA House of Delegates (HOD) calls for insights into what is happening in the states and the issues facing post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) practitioners and their patients, as well as communication and negotiation skills and a sense of humor. Christian Bergman, MD, CMD, newly elected HOD chair, has those attributes—and more.

Dr. Bergman is the past chair of AMDA’s State-Based Policy and Advocacy Subcommittee, which he helped form in 2020. “We’ve been working on understanding the current landscape and history of policy statements, so if there's an active issue at the state level, we can quickly identify applicable AMDA position statements or past advocacy efforts. I think the House of Delegates is a good natural extension of this work and an opportunity to bridge the gap between state and national issues and action,” he says.  

Among his goals in his new role is to update and make the policy compendium more accessible to AMDA members so they understand the history of some of the policy statements and resolutions. Additionally, he wants to engage new members interested in policy work and encourage them to submit their ideas to the HOD and participate in the policy development process.  

An academic geriatrician specializing in PALTC medicine, Dr. Bergman is an assistant professor in the Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in Richmond, VA. He also serves as medical director for the Nursing Facility Attending Service, which is comprised of attending physicians and advanced care practitioners who serve as primary medical staff and deliver collaborative medical care to more than 400 residents in 11 nursing homes. 

He is currently conducting frontline education for PALTC staff with grants from HRSA and the Virginia Department of Health. He is vice president of AMDA’s Virginia chapter. He is past chair of the Transitions of Care Subcommittee, past chair of the AMDA 3Ds CPG Workgroup, a member of the Foundation’s QIHO Selection Committee, and was a member of the former Clinical Practice Guidelines and Tools Subcommittee from 2018 to 2021.

Like a number of volunteer leaders in AMDA, Dr. Bergman started his work with the Society as a Futures Program participant. “I quickly realized that this was my professional home; and I want to do whatever I can to support the organization and see it thrive. Professional volunteerism to me is the chance to give back to an organization that has been so important to me,” he says.

Dr. Bergman enjoys his work with AMDA. He notes, “It’s fun to talk to my friends and colleagues from across the country. It’s interesting to find out their issues and challenges and what we can do to help each other.” He knows that serving as HOD chair won’t be easy and will be challenging at times. He will have to oversee debates and even disagreements among friends. However, he says, “I think the vigorous debate is a sign of engagement by our members, that they’re excited about issues and feel strongly about them. Debates are healthy.” He adds, “One role of the HOD chair, I think, is really getting the voice of AMDA members heard.”

Anticipating some spirited discussions and important issues coming to the HOD in the coming year, Dr. Bergman expects to see comments and resolutions to advocate for appropriate staffing levels, as well as action on medical director transparency, which has been gaining traction in recent years. “I expect that we may see debate coming to the HOD floor on these two issues and more,” he notes. He also thinks there will be a focus on concerns such as practitioner burnout and stress.

Dr. Bergman looks forward to contributing to the story of PALTC medicine and AMDA and sharing his colleagues' stories of successful advocacy and overcoming challenges. “I’ve learned that there are ways we can share our stories and make our voices heard,” he says.

He adds, “I really want all members to feel free to reach out if they have an issue they feel passionate about, even if they’ve never written a resolution before. I want to ensure that all members feel like they can contribute.”