It is clear that each trend of kyphosis with increased age and the ability to eat firm foods with the back teeth (chewing ability) has a strong influence on both the physical and mental condition of older people. Thus, this study aimed to examine whether the combination of kyphosis and chewing disorders wa...
Reliable and valid frailty screening instruments are lacking. The aim of the present study was to compare the diagnostic properties of the FRAIL-BR with Fried's frailty phenotype (CHS), which has not been done.
With an aging population and increase in multimorbidity, the importance of screening for frailty and sarcopenia has become a public health priority. Several tools to do so exist. This study aimed to examine whether the SARC-F and Edmonton frail screening tools are useful in clinical practice to identify at...
Malnutrition and frailty are two geriatric syndromes that significantly affect independent living and health in community-dwelling older adults. Although the pathophysiology of malnutrition and physical frailty share common pathways, it is unknown to what extent these syndromes overlap and how they relate ...
The aim of the present study was to (1) evaluate a geriatric outpatient sample with the FRAIL scale; (2) investigate the psychometric properties of the scale; and (3) characterize different associations of the subdimensions of the scale with demographic and clinical data.
Several studies have assessed the performance of the original frailty phenotype criteria (FPC) and the standardized version according to the characteristics of the population. No studies exist, however, evaluating the impact of this standardization on its predictive ability.
Institutionalization is generally a consequence of functional decline driven by physical limitations, cognitive impairments, and/or loss of social supports. At this stage, intervention to reverse functional losses is often too late. To be more effective, geriatric medicine must evolve to intervene at an ea...
The progression of frailty is marked by an increased risk of adverse health outcomes in the elderly including falls, physical and/or cognitive disability, hospitalizations, and mortality. In primary care, the general practitioner's (GP's) clinical impression about their elderly patients' fra...
Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is a multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment process that identifies medical, psychosocial, and functional capabilities of older adults to develop a coordinated plan to maximize overall health with aging. Specific criteria used by CGA programs to evaluate patient...
Tools, knowledge, and recognition to improve vaccination rates and protect residents and staff.