A fracture liaison service (FLS) for patients with fractures is a promising approach for improving outcomes, but barriers to the successful implementation of an FLS remain. The factors influencing the outcomes of patients already receiving FLS care are unclear.
Hip fractures are common consequences of falls in older adults and, among other negative health outcomes, often lead to care dependence in the long term. Until 2016, the German long-term care insurance classified care recipients according to a standardized classification system consisting of 3 care levels....
To investigate the prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's disease (PD) and provide evidence for preventive strategy of vertebral, hip, and femoral fractures (VF, HF, and FF) in PD patients.
To examine the potential added value of a simple 5-item questionnaire for sarcopenia screening (SARC-F) to the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) for hip fracture risk prediction, in order to identify at-risk older adults for screening with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
To examine the associations of 3 measures of prefracture health status (physical function, mental function, and comorbidity count) with trajectories of physical and mental function at 1.5, 3, 6, and 12 months after hip fracture surgery.
Systematic rehabilitation by geriatric interdisciplinary teams has been associated with favorable outcomes in frail older patients. The aim of the present meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of interdisciplinary geriatric team rehabilitation in older patients with hip fracture.
To examine the association between use of opioids versus other analgesics with death and functioning after hip fracture in older nursing home (NH) residents.
The Food and Drug Administration recommends a reduced dose of nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics in women, yet little is known about the age-, sex-, and dose-specific effects of these drugs on risk of hip fracture, especially among nursing home (NH) residents. We estimated the age-, sex-, and dose-specific effect...
Tools, knowledge, and recognition to improve vaccination rates and protect residents and staff.