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October 11, 2023

Association between Timing of Clinical Evaluation by a Physician or Advanced Practitioner and Risk of Rehospitalization in Older Adults Admitted to a Skilled Nursing Facility Following Hospitalization: A Cohort Study

How transitional care services are provided to patients receiving post-acute care in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) is not well understood. We aimed to determine the association of timing of physician or advanced practice provider (APP) visit after SNF admission with rehospitalization risk in a national...

October 4, 2023

Get More of a Good Thing and Improve Recruitment, Retention

Post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) communities have been struggling with staffing shortages since before the pandemic. That’s why AMDA has revived an initiative—More of a Good Thing: A Framework to Grow and Strengthen the PALTC Careforce—featuring innovative ideas, fresh looks at ways to increase recrui...