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September 28, 2023

Shining a Spotlight on Sexuality and Gender Issues

Looking at intimacy and gender issues through the eyes of residents was a focus of the most recent Caring On-The-Go podcast. Karl Steinberg, MD, HMDC, CMD, the podcast’s host, talked with Caring for the Ages Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, and Managing Editor Tess Bird, PhD, about some key arti...

September 27, 2023

Evaluating the Association between the Implementation of the PoET Southwest Spread Project and Reductions in Acute Care Transfers from Long-Term Care: A Quasi-Experimental Matched Cohort Study Using Population-Level Health Administrative Data

To measure changes in resident-level acute care transfer rates after the PoET Southwest Spread Project (PSSP), and to identify patient and long-term care (LTC) home characteristics associated with acute care transfers after program launch.