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Policy Snapshot

September 20, 2024

PALTmed is urging its members to contact their members of Congress and ask them to sign the Miller-Meeks/Panetta “Dear Colleague” letter today—the deadline for cosigners is September 27.

Recently, Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, MD (R-IA) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), along with a bipartisan group of physician members of Congress, circulated the "Dear Colleague" letter urging House leadership to take immediate action to not only stop the 2.8 percent cut to physician Medicare payments but also provide physicians with a much-needed payment update that reflects the inflationary pressure they're facing running a medical practice.

If Congress refuses to act before the end of the year, the planned 2.8 percent cut will mark the fifth consecutive year that CMS included such a cut. 

Contact your representative today.