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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed) formally endorse and publicly support the adoption of a national POLST form (or its equivalent that includes standardized data elements as recommended by National POLST) in all states;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed) collaborate with other organizations to address barriers in implementation of a national POLST form including education that promotes its promulgation for best-practice use;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed) work with the American Medical Association and other organizations to support legislation and regulatory action to allow POLST* orders from one state to be followed across state lines.

*The term “POLST” is used here as the generic identifier for all programs fitting its definition regardless of the actual term used in a state.


Note: Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is now Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed).