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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed) seek legislative and regulatory action to remove PALTC patient encounters from the meaningful use program, including any future iteration of MU under the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), until such time that interoperable certified technology is widely available in these settings;

AND BE  IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that PALTmed work with appropriate stakeholders to incentivize HIT systems that support the interoperability, continuity of care, and care coordination specific to post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) residents, accomplishing the intended IT goals and removing impediments to provision of much-needed care.


Note: Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is now Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed).