Survey nursing home (NH) clinicians about the indications for NH gabapentinoid use, the factors driving increased prescribing, and their experiences with gabapentinoid deprescribing.
Nursing homes make staffing decisions in conjunction with choosing quality goals, potentially leading to endogeneity bias between staffing and quality. We use instrumental variables (IVs) to explore it.
To examine the nursing home to nursing home transfer rates before and during the early COVID-19 pandemic and to identify risk factors associated with those transfers in a state with a policy to create COVID-19-care nursing homes.
To identify the perceptions of physicians with expertise in nursing home care on the value of physicians who primarily practice in nursing homes, often referred to as “SNFists,” with the goal of enriching our understanding of specialization in nursing home care.
While the number of prescribing clinicians (physicians and nurse practitioners) who provide any nursing home care remained stable over the past decade, the number of clinicians who focus their practice exclusively on nursing home care has increased by over 30%.
Many nursing home residents have cognitive impairment that affects their decision making. In order to identify potential markers of impaired decision making, we investigated the association between a range of nursing home resident characteristics and impaired decision making in a population-based sample.
Little is known about who is involved and what factors influence changes in antidementia medications for older adults living in nursing homes. The study sought to describe factors associated with initiation and discontinuation of antidementia medications in nursing home residents with dementia.
Japanese special nursing homes provide permanent residence to elderly people under the public long-term care insurance program. However, a quarter of discharges occur via death in hospital, and a fifth occur via admission to hospital. The objective was to identify factors associated with discharge destinat...
To measure changes in resident-level acute care transfer rates after the PoET Southwest Spread Project (PSSP), and to identify patient and long-term care (LTC) home characteristics associated with acute care transfers after program launch.
To investigate the effect of a multifaceted intervention on reduction in psychotropic medication use, falls, agitation, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalization in residential aged care facilities (RACFs).