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February 19, 2015

An International Definition for “Nursing Home”

There is much ambiguity regarding the term “nursing home” in the international literature. The definition of a nursing home and the type of assistance provided in a nursing home is quite varied by country. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics and AMDA foundation developed a survey to...

April 2, 2014

International Survey of Nursing Home Research Priorities

This article reports the findings of a policy survey designed to establish research priorities to inform future research strategy and advance nursing home practice. The survey was administered in 2 rounds during 2013, and involved a combination of open questions and ranking exercises to move toward consens...

April 27, 2021

Nursing Home Profit Margins and Citations for Infection Prevention and Control

Recent rampant spread of COVID-19 cases in nursing homes has highlighted the concerns around nursing homes’ ability to contain the spread of infections. The ability of nursing homes to invest in quality improvement initiatives may depend on resource availability. In this study, we sought to examine whether...