This study investigated the impact of an antimicrobial stewardship program on fluoroquinolone (FLQ) resistance in urinary isolated from residents of 3 French nursing homes.
Studies show that in nursing homes (NHs), the prevalence of moderate-to-severe obesity has doubled in the last decade and continues to increase. Obese residents are often complex and costly, and this increase in prevalence has come at a time when NHs struggle to decrease hospitalizations, particularly thos...
To determine the efficacy of fall intervention programs in nursing homes (NHs) and the generalizability of these interventions to people living with cognitive impairment and dementia.
To study the effects of a nonpharmacologic intervention, Music and Memory (M&M), on residents with dementia and/or behavioral problems living in nursing homes (NHs).
We examined the demographics and the clinical profile of teleconsultations conducted between an acute geriatric medicine department and 8 nursing homes over a period of 6.5 years.
To determine the prevalence, rate of underdiagnosis and undertreatment, and association with activities of daily living dependency of spasticity in a nursing home setting.
Despite mobility impairments, many residents have physical, cognitive, and psychosocial resources that should be promoted. The aim was to summarize the current evidence on chair-based exercise (CBE) interventions for nursing home residents.
A 2-year cluster randomized trial of (MCWB) was conducted in nursing homes (NHs) to determine if recommended mouth care practices provided by NH staff could improve residents' oral hygiene and denture outcomes.
We measured the prevalence and severity of aggressive behaviors (ABs) among nursing home (NH) residents and examined whether individuals with behavioral health disorders were more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviors than others.