To assess the association of the anticholinergic medication burden with hospitalization and mortality in nursing home elderly patients and to investigate the role of coronary artery disease (CAD).
Unaddressed functional limitations in nursing home (NH) residents can lead to unnecessary, excess disability that negatively affects residents’ quality of life. In order to enhance functioning, NH residents can receive rehabilitation such as occupational therapy (OT). However, little is known about factors...
Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment is steadily growing, but little is known about the quality of nursing home (NH) care provided to MA enrollees compared to enrollees in traditional fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare.
To investigate whether it is possible to determine signs of imminent dying and change in pain and symptom intensity during pharmacological treatment in nursing home patients, from day perceived as dying and to day of death.
This study assessed the frequency of physician contacts for individual nursing home residents (NHRs) and investigated whether the frequency of contacts influences the appropriateness of pain medication in NHRs.
To investigate and establish the prevalence of dementia with Lewy body (DLB) symptoms in all nursing home (NH) residents in Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. DLB is a neurocognitive disorder with core features, such as parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, and fluctuating cognition/excessive daytime ...