To examine the prevalence of mental health treatment among nursing home (NH) long-stay residents with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) and explore factors associated with utilization.
To describe the rate, timing, and pattern of changes in advance directives (ADs) of do not resuscitate (DNR) and do not hospitalize (DNH) orders among new admissions to nursing homes (NHs).
This study aimed to evaluate the utility of electronic health record (EHR) diagnosis codes for monitoring SARS-CoV-2 infections among nursing home residents.
For older adults, spending time out of bed is important for preventing functional decline, but its relationship to mortality is not clear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the association between mortality and time spent out of bed in Japanese older-adult nursing home residents.
To explore the influenza and COVID-19 vaccination status among Dutch nursing home (NH) health care workers (HCWs), factors associated with vaccination including the influence of the pandemic, and the facilitators and barriers to vaccination willingness.
To capture nursing home staff perspectives on the benefits and challenges related to caring for residents living with Alzheimer disease and other related dementias. These perspectives will inform the initial development of strategies to help with staff retention.