American Medical Association
House of Delegates
Public Listing of Medical Directors
health care transparency
consumer access
public listing of medical directors
A recent report from the Seniorly Resource Center breaks down long-term care facility staffing shortages by state and notes that an average of about one-quarter of long-term care facilities have reported shortages in nursing staff so far in 2022, an increase from 16% in 2020.
Hearing aids have important health benefits for older adults with Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD); however, hearing aid adoption in this group is low. This study aimed to determine where to target hearing aid interventions for American long-term care recipients with ADRD by examining the ass...
Federally mandated assessments of nursing home (NH) residents drive individualized care planning. Residents with cognitive impairment may not be able to meaningfully communicate their care needs and preferences during this process—a gap that may be partially addressed by involving surrogates. We describe t...