Older people who are admitted to inpatient rehabilitation settings often experience sleep disturbance or disorders. Both intrinsic and environmental factors may contribute to reduced sleep quality. Poor sleep quality has been reported to be associated with poorer rehabilitation outcomes. The aim of this re...
Testosterone level follows a circadian rhythm. However, whether sleep duration and disturbances can affect testosterone level, muscle mass, and strength remains unknown.
Although sleep disturbances are associated with disability among older adults, no longitudinal study has examined the impact of sleep assessed based on both sleep quality and quantity on incident disability. This study examined whether sleep duration and excessive daytime sleepiness were associated with in...
In adults, short and long sleep duration has been associated with sarcopenia risk. Studies have shown that various factors, including biological and psychological factors, could be the underlying cause of the association between aberrant sleep duration and sarcopenia risk. In this study, we have qualitativ...
Epidemiologic studies have reported inconsistent findings about the association between sleep duration and the risk of dementia. We aimed to clarify this association by method of meta-analysis.