Telemedicine and face-to-face outreach services to nursing homes (NHs) have been used to reduce hospital utilization rates for acute presentations. However, how these modalities compare against each other is unclear. This article examines if the management of acute presentations in NHs with care involving ...
Multidrug-resistant organisms are an emerging and serious threat to the care of patients. Long-term care facilities are considered a reservoir of these organisms partly because of the over-prescribing of antibiotics. Antibiotic use is common in long-term care facilities. Antibiotic stewardship programs hav...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently approved a 3.37% cut to Medicare physician payments for 2024. If Congress doesn’t act before the year ends, these proposed cuts will go into effect, worsening patients’ access to care and disproportionately harming small, independent, and rura...
Telomere length is associated with aging-related pathologies. Although the association between telomere length and frailty has been studied previously, only a few studies assessing longitudinal changes in telomere length and frailty exist.