Medication reconciliation has become standard care to prevent medication transfer errors. However, this process is time-consuming but could be more efficient when patients are engaged in medication reconciliation via a patient portal.
To conduct a systematic review and a meta-analysis of current studies to determine whether music therapy affects the cognitive function of older people.
It has been proposed that abnormal sleep duration and excessive daytime sleepiness might be risk factors for dementia. This study assessed the interaction between sleep duration and excessive daytime sleepiness, and the effect of sleep duration in the presence or absence of excessive daytime sleepiness on ...
Depression and loneliness are challenges facing older residents living in long-term care facilities. Social robots might be a solution as nonpharmacologic interventions. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of concrete forms of social robots on depression and loneliness in older residents i...
To investigate whether distinct trajectories of frailty exist in older women and whether they are associated with measures of socioeconomic status (SES) across adulthood.
To evaluate the effect of interaction with a robotic seal (PARO) on pain and behavioral and psychological symptoms of people with dementia and chronic pain.
Medication-induced hyposalivation can increase the risk for oral complications, including dental caries and tooth loss. This problem is particularly important in people with dementia because of their declining ability to maintain oral care. The objective of this study was to describe the association betwee...
Although the therapeutic effects of horticulture on older adults have been widely investigated, a recent and comprehensive synthesis of available evidence on outcomes is lacking. We systematically reviewed evidence for the therapeutic effects of horticulture on older adults.