Each year states are required to survey nursing homes (NHs), including issuing deficiency citations when regulatory standards are not met. These deficiency citations can have substantial consequences for NHs. Because it is imperative that the survey process is conducted consistently across facilities, this...
To study the effects of a nonpharmacologic intervention, Music and Memory (M&M), on residents with dementia and/or behavioral problems living in nursing homes (NHs).
Pharmacists’ care has an essential role in multidisciplinary teams in charge of chronic patients. However, data available on the clinical outcomes of these activities appear inconclusive. This study aimed to systematically investigate the effect of multidisciplinary teams that include coordinated pharmaceu...
We summarized and compared meta-analyses of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions targeting physical health outcomes among people with dementia.
This study aimed to use the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) to encapsulate the complex and multidimensional nature of social determinants and their influence on alcohol intake and mortality in middle-aged and older individuals.
Nursing home (NH) staff often report not having adequate dementia-specific knowledge to effectively care for these residents. Between 2011 and 2019, 9 states in the United States implemented dementia training requirements for NH staff. This study evaluated whether the state-mandated dementia training for N...