To assess the relationship between muscular strength measures and mortality in outpatient populations with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, renal disease, and metabolic and vascular diseases, and in critically ill hospitalized patients.
Consumers can currently access the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Five-Star Quality Rating System when they choose a nursing home (NH). However, the system does not incorporate NH consumers’ opinions. Without having access to satisfaction or quality-of-life measures, consumers could make uninfo...
A few studies of Western populations have found inconsistent results regarding the associations between vitamin D status and physical function. We explored the association between circulating vitamin D status [plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 25(OH)D] and incident activities of daily living (ADL) disability amo...
Frailty is a relevant issue in older people, being associated with several negative outcomes. Increasing literature is reporting that pollution (particularly air pollution) can increase the risk of frailty, but the research is still limited. We aimed to investigate the potential association of pollution (a...
High-risk prescribing can have deleterious effects on the health of older people. This study aimed to assess the role of inappropriate prescribing on changes in frailty status over 3 years of follow-up.
Elderly people are at risk of repeated hospitalizations, some of which may be drug related and preventable. In 2011, a group of French healthcare experts selected 5 iatrogenic alerts (IAs), based on criteria identified in a literature search and from their professional experience, to assess the appropriate...
Sarcopenia, a gradual loss of muscle mass and function, has been associated with poor health outcomes. Its correlation with another age-related degenerative process, impaired cognition, remains uncertain. This meta-analysis aimed to determine whether there is an association between sarcopenia and cognitive...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between sarcopenia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in elderly patients with diabetes using the Japanese version of the simple 5-item questionnaire (SARC-F-J).