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Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)

COPD Management CPG

This package includes the COPD Management Clinical Practice Guideline, and the COPD Management Pocket Guide. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently the third leading cause of death in the United States. COPD caused an estimated 134,676 deaths in the United States in 2010. The disease ...
CPG Teaching Slides

Pressure Ulcers Teaching Slides

Pressure Ulcer Teaching Slides for Nurses These teaching slides are created for nurses caring for patients in the PALTC setting. The slides are presented in an easy to learn format identifying patients at risk, locations of pressure ulcers, early recognition of pressure ulcers and the factors that can a...
CPG Pocket Guides

3Ds: Delirium, Dementia and Depression Pocket Guide (Set of 5)

As the population ages, many adults will suffer one or more of the 3Ds: Delirium, Dementia and Depression. At times, these symptoms overlap and occur simultaneously. Recognize the difference with this pocket guide reference tool and provide proper treatment. Know what surveyors are looking for and learn th...
Practice Management Tools

Guide to Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Coding, Reimbursement, and Documentation

Extensively updated to reflect major E/M coding changes for 2023, The Guide to Post-Acute and Long Term Care Coding, Reimbursement, and Documentation, is a popular and must-have publication that contains important documentation and medical decision making requirements as well as one or two Society-develope...
CPG Teaching Slides

Pain Management in the PALTC Setting Teaching for CNAs

These teaching slides on Pain Management emphasizes how the CNA is often the first member of the IDT to recognize a patient in pain. With an easy to understand methods that are utilized by nursing staff of recognition, assessment, treatment and monitoring, the CNA can utilize the different pain scales to h...
Long Term Care Information Series

The Younger Adult in the Long-Term Care Setting

Long-term care (LTC) is no longer synonymous with "geriatric care." In the past 10 years, adults ages 31 to 64 have been the fastest growing population in nursing homes. The last national nursing home survey sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2008 estimated that ...

Multidisciplinary Medication Management Manual

Medication management is an important part of quality care in the post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) setting. Despite the best efforts of dedicated practitioners and interdisciplinary team leaders, however, it is difficult to eliminate medication errors and adverse drug events. Medication errors endange...
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)

Transitions of Care CPG

Transitions of care involves the movement of a patient between care settings and the transfer of information with them to facilitate a seamless continuum of care and to enable patients’ wishes to be followed - no matter where in the continuum of care they are. This is an important issue, as care for today’...