Nonpharmacologic interventions are recommended to improve outcomes in dementia. Little is known about their prescription in practice, especially in non-Western populations. We investigated individual- and institution-level characteristics associated with nonpharmacologic interventions prescription in China...
Evidence about prescribing patterns of dementia medication in China is lacking. This study aimed to examine prescribing rates of antidementia and psychotropic drugs and factors associated with drug prescription for dementia in China.
Last week, President Biden signed an executive order that included more than 50 directives to expand access to affordable, high-quality care as well as provide support for care workers and family caregivers.
To describe pressure injury (PrI) prevalence, comorbidities, and rehabilitation utilization among older adults with stroke at skilled nursing facilities’ (SNFs’) admission assessment.
Newly updated, the Pressure Ulcers and Other Wounds CPG now includes information regarding arterial and venous ulcers, in addition to pressure ulcers, as well as the new NPUAP staging terminology.
Pressure ulcers and other wounds remain a major cause of mortality and morbidity in PALTC, affecting an est...