This exploratory study aimed at investigating profiles of care needs in people with mild to moderate dementia and examined variables associated with these profiles.
To describe the sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment characteristics of people who are comatose in Canadian complex continuing care (CCC) and long-term care (LTC) settings, and to make recommendations to promote comprehensive care planning for this population.
To investigate the prognostic effects of delayed administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy (AAT) in older persons experiencing bacteremia with and without initial sepsis syndrome, respectively.
This study investigates the transitions of community-dwelling patients with a proximal femoral fracture towards recovery of independence using multistate modeling. The prognostic value of factors affecting the short-term rate of recovery of independence in activities of daily living was assessed for the re...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic weight of multimorbidity and functional impairment over long-term mortality among older patients discharged from acute care hospitals.
Patients with heart failure (HF) seen at the emergency department (ED) are increasingly older and more likely to present delirium. Little is known, however, about the impact of this syndrome on outcome in these patients. We aimed to investigate the prognostic value and risk factors of delirium at admission...