Pressure ulcers pose an important quality-of-care challenge in nursing homes, with serious consequences for residents' health. We assessed the scalability of the On-Time Pressure Ulcer Prevention (On-Time) intervention strategy, developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality, in nursing...
This study aims to determine how prevalent suspected cognitive impairment is in older people visiting hearing aid dispensers, and to assess whether hearing aid dispensers’ judgment on cognition was in accordance with the outcome of a cognitive screening.
With an aging population and increase in multimorbidity, the importance of screening for frailty and sarcopenia has become a public health priority. Several tools to do so exist. This study aimed to examine whether the SARC-F and Edmonton frail screening tools are useful in clinical practice to identify at...
Reliable and valid frailty screening instruments are lacking. The aim of the present study was to compare the diagnostic properties of the FRAIL-BR with Fried's frailty phenotype (CHS), which has not been done.