Falls are associated with several negative outcomes. Early identification of those who are at risk of falling is of importance in geriatrics, and comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) seems to be promising in this regard. Therefore, the present study investigated whether the multidimensional prognostic ...
Home-based primary care (HBPC) provides interdisciplinary, comprehensive care at home for homebound older adults and has been largely excluded from the national conversation on care quality and quality improvement. In this Pragmatic Innovations article, we describe the work of the National HBPC Learning Ne...
The quality of life (QoL) in nursing home (NH) patients with dementia is threatened by neuropsychiatric symptoms. This may trigger the use of psychotropic drugs, yet it is unknown if this practice improves the QoL. We investigated the association between the number of psychotropic drugs and QoL at differen...