Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS) prevalence increases with age. In the elderly, symptoms are less specific (falls, cognitive or functional decline, polymedication). Polysomnography, the gold standard technique to diagnose SAS, is challenged by sleep laboratories' waiting lists and high associated costs. Noc...
Although hospital clinicians strive to effectively refer patients who require post-acute care (PAC), their discharge planning processes often vary greatly, and typically are not evidence-based.
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are highly prevalent in long-term care settings. We sought to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of primary care clinicians caring for patients with BPSD through academic detailing, an evidence-based approach for persuading health care prof...
To describe the use of social and medical care services in a community-dwelling older population from Stockholm, Sweden, using an integrated clinical and functional assessment tool.
The accurate assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in residents of residential care facilities (RCF) necessitates the use of proxy-reported instruments that possess robust psychometric properties. Generally, these instruments are modified versions of self-reported tools, with adjustments mad...