We examined state variations in assisted living (AL) regulatory policies for admission/retention, staffing/training, medication management, and dementia care. Factors associated with domain-specific and overall regulatory stringency were identified.
Few studies have focused on 30-day readmission rates in inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) and factors that contribute to this. The purpose of this study was to examine the variation in 30-day readmission rates among medically complex patients at IRFs nationally and explore how patient and facility...
To quantify the rate of readmission from inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) to acute care hospitals (ACHs) during the first 30 days of rehabilitation stay. To measure variation in 30-day readmission rate across IRFs, and the extent that patient and facility characteristics contribute to this variat...
Use of hospice care among patients with dementia has been steadily increasing. Our objectives were to characterize quality of hospice care experiences among decedents who had a primary diagnosis of dementia and their caregivers and investigate differences across settings of hospice care.
Residential medication management reviews (RMMRs) are comprehensive medication reviews conducted by clinical pharmacists and general medical practitioners. RMMRs are the primary government-funded service to optimize medication management in Australian residential aged care facilities (RACFs) and are recomm...