Despite the high prevalence and devastating outcomes associated with osteoporotic fractures, they are not well investigated or treated. We developed an electronic Osteoporosis and Falls Assessment Form for integration within electronic medical records (EMR) with the aim to improve osteoporosis-related care...
Bisphosphonates (BPs) might have extra benefits in reducing mortality because of their anti-atherosclerotic effects, but studies reported conflicting results. We investigated the association between oral BP use and mortality risk following a major osteoporotic fracture (MOF) in the United Kingdom.
We sought to examine the associations of osteosarcopenia with physical performance, balance, and falls and fractures in community-dwelling older adults. Additionally, we aimed to determine which clinical outcomes are associated with specific components of osteosarcopenia.
To examine the associations of prefracture psychological resilience and prefracture general mental health with physical function among older adults with hip fracture surgery.
To generate evidence of the effectiveness of hip protectors to minimize risk of hip fracture at the time of falling among residents of long-term care (LTC) by contrasting rates of hip fractures between falls with and without hip protectors.
Fear of falling (FoF) is common after hip fracture and can impede functional recovery because of activity restriction. The Fear of falling InTervention in HIP fracture geriatric rehabilitation (FIT-HIP intervention) was designed to target FoF and consequently to improve mobility. The aim of this study was ...
Improving care transitions is of critical importance for older patients, especially those with complex care needs. Our study examined the “Transitions of Care” (ToC) of complex, post-acute older adults at multiple time points. The objective of this article is to identify domains relevant to health care tra...
Tools, knowledge, and recognition to improve vaccination rates and protect residents and staff.