Despite a lack of evidence of benefit, the compounded product ABH gel (lorazepam, diphenhydramine, and haloperidol) continues to be prescribed for individuals in hospice and palliative care settings for the treatment of nausea and vomiting and terminal delirium. More effective and reliable pharmacological ...
We evaluated the trend of end-of-life healthcare utilization and life-sustaining interventions for older adults with dementia 3 to 4 years after the change in hospice policy.
A growing and increasingly vulnerable population resides in assisted living. States are responsible for regulating assisted living and vary in their requirements. Little is known about how this variability translates to differences in the dying experiences of assisted living residents. The objective of thi...
Long-term care (LTC) is an important setting for goals of care (GoC) discussions. Understanding clinician barriers to GoC discussions could identify opportunities for LTC-specific interventions to improve quantity and quality of GoC discussions in the context of serious illness.
To examine family caregivers' experiences with end-of-life care for nursing home residents with dementia and associations with the residents dying peacefully.
Less aggressive end-of-life (EOL) care has been observed when health care professionals discuss approaching EOL and preferences about life-sustaining treatments with nursing home (NH) residents or their families. We performed a comprehensive systematic review to evaluate the association between health care...
(1) Compare family decision-makers' perceptions of quality of communication with nursing home (NH) staff (nurses and social workers) and clinicians (physicians and other advanced practitioners) for persons with advanced dementia; (2) determine the extent to which characteristics of NH residents and fa...
Nursing homes (NHs) collaboration with hospices appears to improve end-of-life (EOL) care among dying NH residents. However, the potential benefits of NH-hospice collaboration may vary with the patterns of this collaboration. This study examines the relationship between the attributes of NH-hospice collabo...
Patients with dementia form an increasing proportion of those entering hospice care. Little is known about the types of hospices serving patients with dementia and the patterns of hospice use, including timing of hospice disenrollment between patients with and without dementia.
Older adults in need of residential services are increasingly spending their final days in small, domestic-style care settings such as adult family homes. In this study, we sought to identify processes that facilitated the provision of quality hospice care to seriously ill residents of adult family homes a...
Tools, knowledge, and recognition to improve vaccination rates and protect residents and staff.