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Showing 21 - 30 of 71 results


March 15, 2022

Applying Evidence-based Principles to Guide Emergency Surgery in Older Adults

Although outcomes for older adults undergoing elective surgery are generally comparable to younger patients, outcomes associated with emergency surgery are poor. These adverse outcomes are in part because of the physiologic changes associated with aging, increased odds of comorbidities in older adults, and...

December 23, 2021

High-Quality Nursing Home and Palliative Care—One and the Same

Many individuals receiving post-acute and long-term care services in nursing homes have unmet palliative and end-of-life care needs. Hospice has been the predominant approach to meeting these needs, although hospice services generally are available only to long-term care residents with a limited prognosis ...

July 20, 2021

Medical Decision-Making Practices for Unrepresented Residents in Nursing Homes

Unrepresented adults are individuals who lack decision-making capacity and have neither an available surrogate decision maker nor an applicable advance directive. Currently, the prevalence of unrepresented nursing home (NH) residents and how medical decisions are made is unknown. We examined (1) the preval...