Persons living with dementia (PLWD), particularly those with higher levels of functional impairment, are at increased risk of hospitalization and higher hospital-associated health care costs. Our objective was to provide a nuanced description of reasons for hospitalizations over a 12-month period among com...
Antipsychotic reduction in nursing homes has been a focus of research and policy attention for several decades; however, there is evidence that these initiatives may have had unintended consequences, such as medication substitution and changes in diagnosis coding. Our objectives were to describe temporal c...
This study aimed to assess whether the amount and quality of daily-life walking obtained using wearable technology can predict depression onset over a 2-year period, independently of self-reported health status.
We aimed to investigate whether sedative medications are associated with adverse outcomes in people with dementia, and whether specific characteristics of these medications predict a higher risk of harm.
To evaluate, in a cohort of adults ≥80 years old, the frailty status at the emergency department (ED) admission, for the in-hospital death risk stratification of patients needing major surgical procedures.
Natural disasters can impair the cognitive function of older victims. However, it is unknown whether such natural disasters affect drug treatment for dementia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the 2018 Japan Floods, the second largest water-related disaster in Japan, on the prescriptions...