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The teaching slides are created for the IDT in language and format that can be easily understood. The challenges of diabetes management in the PALTC setting such as the failure to review glucose logs or the reliance on sliding scale insulin protocols are identified; common co-morbidities are also listed. The principles of diabetes management in the PALTC setting is outlined in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association (PALTmed) Guideline Domains of Recognition, Assessment, Treatment and Monitoring. The latest treatment for diabetes explains oral anti-diabetic agents along with combination therapy information. A framework for considering treatment goals for glycemia in older adults with diabetes is included along with a position statement of the American Diabetes Association (2016).

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Diabetes Management Teaching Slides
Electronic Copy

The Electronic Copy is PowerPoint format, and is viewable from your PC, tablet and smartphone through your PALTmed account. The Electronic Copy is downloadable or printable.
