Heart failure (HF) is highly prevalent among older patients in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). HF outcomes for SNF patients suffer because of many factors, including staff training, lack of physician availability, and failure to implement evidence-based care. AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-T...
This quick reference provides healthcare practitioners and providers instant access to the current PALTmed Heart Failure (HF) Clinical Practice Guideline in a clear concise format. MIPS HF Process Measures are included along with Outcome measures. The ACC/AHA stages of HF and the New York Heart Association...
The slides are created for the interdisciplinary team (IDT) in language and format that can be easily understood. The warning signs and stages of Heart Failure (HF) are explained in conjunction with how HF is assessed, treated and managed. The ACCF/AHA Stages of Heart Failure and the NYHA Functional Classi...