Individuals with dementia have high rates of emergency department (ED) use for acute illnesses. We evaluated the effect of a high-intensity telemedicine program that delivers care for acute illnesses on ED use rates for individuals with dementia who reside in senior living communities (SLCs; independent an...
Many individuals receiving post-acute and long-term care services in nursing homes have unmet palliative and end-of-life care needs. Hospice has been the predominant approach to meeting these needs, although hospice services generally are available only to long-term care residents with a limited prognosis ...
To examine whether higher obesity level was associated with extensive staffing assistance (from 2 or more persons) for completing activities of daily living (ADL) among older nursing home residents.
Magnesium deficiency is common in older adults and has been associated with reduced muscle functionality and several age-related diseases. Evidence of its relationship with frailty is scarce. We aimed to explore the association of magnesium intake with incident frailty in the Seniors-ENRICA-1 cohort.
The hypothesis that increasing protein and energy intakes may confer protection against frailty has been suggested, although few studies have examined these associations, especially regarding current protein energy recommendations in the older population.